Introduction to Community Organization, Management, and Policy/Evaluation Practice

Object Orange, Auburndale Site, Highland Park, MI, #3, 2007, iris print on paper. Museum purchase made possible by Stuart and Maxine Frankel, 2007/2.2
SOCIAL WORK 560 – School of Social Work
Faculty Curator: Larry M. Gant (School of Social Work; Stamps School of Art and Design)
On view: Fall 2021
This group of works exclusively by Detroit and Southeast Michigan artists is part of an experiment in social work methodology.
As Professor Larry M. Gant sees it, conventional community assessments too often neglect the arts, focusing instead on purely socioeconomic factors when analyzing neighborhoods. Students in this course will research the artists and works of art in this display with the goal of evaluating how and why some artist associations, public arts projects, and community arts programs have been assets in specific communities at specific moments in the region’s history.
Works Included In This Collection

George Vargas
welding goggles, metal, hanging bells, rusty bottle cap, pulleys, chains, and padlock mounted on plywood
Lead support for this exhibition is provided by the University of Michigan Office of the Provost, Erica Gervais Pappendick and Ted Pappendick, the Eleanor Noyes Crumpacker Endowment Fund, and the Oakriver Foundation.