Daring Dances Presents: A Screening of the new film, JJ, by Pauline L. Boulba and Aminata Labor

Join us for a free film screening of JJ. In JJ, French artists Pauline L. Boulba and Aminata Labor search New York City for traces left by the dance-critic-turned-lesbian feminist-provocateur, Jill Johnston. In the film, inspired by the iconic feminist film The Watermelon Woman, Boulba and Labor find Johnston in memories, documents, fictions, and more. This screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers and UM faculty and dance scholar Clare Croft, moderated by Professor Charli Brissey with Steven Kurtz translating. Presented by Daring Dances.
Free and open to the public. No registration or tickets required.
About Daring Dances
Daring Dances brings together community around dance performance making and viewing. Daring Dances contends we can use our bodies to stage possibility; that dancing teaches us (again and again) that policy and rhetoric have material effects on people’s lives and physical existences; and that, once we have shoulder-to-shoulder, live encounters, we might engage one another more deeply.