Exhibition Tour – Angkor Complex: Cultural Heritage and Post-Genocide Memory in Cambodia

Join Nachiket Chanchani, Curator of Angkor Complex and Associate Professor of the History of Art, and Trent Walker, Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian Studies and Thai Professor of Theravada Buddhism, on an engaging tour of the exhibition that will reflect on how Cambodia’s tangible cultural heritage intersects with its living traditions of song, dance, and music.
Trent Walker works on Buddhism, literature, and music in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. He is the author of Until Nirvana’s Time: Buddhist Songs from Cambodia (Shambhala Publications, 2022) and a co-editor of Out of the Shadows of Angkor: Cambodian Poetry, Prose, and Performance through the Ages (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2022). Before joining U-M’s Department of Asian Languages and Cultures in 2023, he taught at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Recent publications include articles on Pali phonology, Thai literary history, Cambodian nuns, Indic-vernacular homiletics, Middle Khmer epigraphy, and Vietnamese Buddhist translation.
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