113, from “The Silver Edition, Volume I”
Ralph Gibson

Subject Matter:
Ralph Gibson is well known for his photographs published in book form and this work appeared in, "Light Strings: Impressions of the Guitar". Gibson studied and played the guitar from an early age, but decided to pursue photography. "I realized that a serious decision had to be made, a choice between photography and music. Photography had to win but that didn't mean divorcing the guitar... for the next forty years I continued to play and follow the evolution of the guitar.... I play throughout the day and still wonder how far the instrument will take me." From "Light Strings" 1-16-04
Physical Description:
This black and white photograph shows a partial view of a guitar against a solid black background. It is a cropped, close-up image showing a portion of the fingerboard and upper bout.
Usage Rights:
If you are interested in using an image for a publication, please visit https://umma.umich.edu/request-image/ for more information and to fill out the online Image Rights and Reproductions Request Form.