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Academic Figure; Verso: Putto with Death’s Head

Giovanni Battista Piazzetta

Artwork Details

Academic Figure; Verso: Putto with Death’s Head
18th century
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta
red and black chalk on blue paper
11 1/2 in. x 11 5/16 in. ( 29.2 cm x 28.8 cm )
Museum Purchase


Academic nudes firmly attributed to Piazzetta are rare. This sleeping nude figure was probably not drawn by Piazzetaa. Rather, it was drawn by a member of his studio school who was learning Piazzetta's style by copying one of the master's drawings. Piazzetta's characteristically dramatic lights and darks are evident in the broad modeling of the left leg and back. The artist aimed for tonal effects and gradation of value. His medium of chalk applied on blue paper is particularly successful. Astonishingly subtle effects in modeling were created with the application of red chalk alone. Surprisingly, no white chalk was used at all. The chalk was rubbed into the paper to create a middle value. Stronger applications of red were then used to create shadow on the ribs and shoulder while the pure, untouched paper becomes the projecting and highlighted area.
Label text done by student Sara L. Johnson in conjunction with the History of Art seminar 613, "Venetian Art at the University of Michigan", November 27, 1996.

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