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Artwork Details

circa 1890
wood, natural fibers, and tukula powder
2 3/16 x 5 3/4 x 2 3/16 in. (5.56 x 14.61 x 5.56 cm)
Museum Purchase made possible by the Friends of the Museum of Art


Subject Matter:

Kuba boxes served several purposes. Ornately decorated boxes were created as a form of competition among titled court members. Also, they were often used to hold objects such as razors for cutting raffia, personal care objects such as hairpins in addition to various ritual objects and medicinal substances. The inside of this box is covered in tukula powder called tool or twool. Made from camwood, tukula was used abundantly on Kuba carvings. It was also smeared on clothing and used in times of mourning. Boxes were often used to hold tukula powder. 

Daniel Biebuyck, The Arts of Zaire, 1985
Georges Meurant, African Textiles from the Kingdom of Kuba, 1986
Roy Sieber, African Textiles and Decorative Arts, 1972
Jan Vansina, The Children of Woot, 1978

Physical Description:

A small rectangular box with a button shaped lump on the center of the lid. A piece of fiber attaches the lid to the box. Geometric patterns cover the entire box. The inside of the box is entirely red from remnants of the tukula powder. 

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