Church, Coapiaxtla
Paul Strand

Subject Matter:
This photograph represents a view of a church in Coapiaxtla. Strand views the church façade through its entrance gate. The arch of the entrance is repeated in the dark arch leading into the church, illustrating Strand's continued interest in the formal play of shapes. The cross atop the entrance is cropped out of frame. The sides of the entrance are framed by the large, almost life-size sculptures of saints that sit atop the square pillars. The church is illuminated by a bright light that shines on the gate and through it, onto the building behind it. The result is intense cast shadows, and a strange, dark night sky in the higher background.
This photograph is from Paul Strand's The Mexican Portfolio published in 1967 by Paul Strand. The portfolio consists of a series of 20 images depicting Mexico's people, architecture, landscape, and churches. It was first published in 1940 under the name Photographs of Mexico, and reprinted under Strand's supervision in 1967 as The Mexican Portfolio.
Physical Description:
This image depicts a view of a church in Mexico. Light illuminates and silhouettes the structure against a dark sky.
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