Cliché Vere
Robert Rauschenberg; Detroit Institute of Arts; Litho/Color

Subject Matter:
Rauschenberg was comissioned to create an original cliché verre for the Detroit Institute of Arts' Schwartz Galleries of Prints and Drawings inagural exhibition, "Cliché-verre: Hand-Drawn, Light-Printed." The text on the print--"Cliché Verre" "Hand Drawn Light Printed" "July 12" "Aughust 21" "The Detroit Institute of Arts"--refer to this exhibition. Rauschenberg worked with many different media throughout his career, and this was the first time he worked with cliché verre. The cliché verre was made by exposing a bicycle wheel--perhaps an homage to Duchamp's "Bicycle Wheel"--a glass jar, a sprig of flowers, bits of cut-up and rearranged letters from a variety of prints sources, cut-up photographic negatives, textiles, and other things–on a light-sensitive surface. From the original cliché verre, 200 signed and 800 unsigned lithographs were created. UMMA's copy is 160/200 of the signed copies. Rauschenberg is known for his mixed media collages, and he creates a similar layering effect in this work.
Physical Description:
This print has a dark background with light colored designs so it is in the negative of normal prints. Designs include a large bicycle wheel, a floral outline in upper left hand corner, horizontal lines and checkered pattern on the right. The text: "Cliché Verre" and "Hand Drawn Light Printed" appear in the center of work. "July 12" and "August 21" appear on right side, within horizontal lines, and "The Detroit Institute of Arts" is along the left horizontal edge.
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