Corte del Palazzo Ducale (Veduta generale)
Carlo Ponti

Subject Matter:
This photograph depicts a view of the courtyard of the Ducal Palace in Venice. Created looking towards a far corner of the space, the image displays a wide view of the resplendent architecture surrounding the courtyard. The ornately detailed buildings’ façades are divided by levels of symmetrical colonnades and windows, which span the length of the walls. Inlaid into the wall facing the camera are a series of tall niches in which stand marble statues of men and women. Amongst the statues on the upper level of the structure is a large clock face. Rising beyond is a plated dome, its top adorned with a cupola, peaked with crosses. In the courtyard below are two ornamented iron well-heads. Around the far basin lean two men, one in a hat. The two men casually face the distant camera, while to their right stands a man in uniform, hands on hips, who alertly watches the others.
Physical Description:
This photograph depicts a view of a courtyard inside the walls of an ornate, palatial building. The figures of two men stand around a well-head, while a third man in uniform watches from a distance.
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