Eau-forte VI
Pierre Soulages; Galerie Berggruen

Subject Matter:
Pierre Soulages began printmaking in the 1950s. At first, his prints were strikingly reminiscent of his earlier paintings, which drew inspiration from calligraphic forms. However, by 1957, the year in which this etching was executed, his prints became more detached from his earlier works, focusing more on the specific techniques of the etching process. He was particularly interested in how he could apply varnishes and the acids required in the etching process in various ways to achieve a range of texture and color. As in this work, he explored different thicknesses of lines by changing the degree to which he burrowed into the plate, with deeper engravings resulting in the bolder lines, and more shallow cuts forming the thinner striations in the upper and lower portions of the print.
Physical Description:
This abstract composition has the form of a Latin cross, but with black lines criss-crossed in the upper and lower portions, connected by a thick vertical line that stretches between both portions. Thin vertical lines also cover the upper and lower areas of the composition.
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