Ecce Homo (Passion Series)
Martin Schongauer

Subject Matter:
This print represents the episode from Christ's passion known as the "Ecce Homo," or "Behold the man," the words with which Pontius Pilate presented Christ to the crowd gathered at his palace (John 19:5). Christ, wearing the crown of thorns, appears at the top of a flight of stairs. He stoops wearily forward, covered only by a loincloth and robe, having just been beaten at the column visible through the window behind his head. Pontius Pilate, holding a scepter indicating his authority, stands in the doorway behind Christ and presents him to the motley crowd, who greet him with jeers and hostility.
Physical Description:
A bearded man, wearing only a crown of thorns, a loincloth, and a long robe, stands stooped and sorrowful at the top of a short flight of steps. A man wearing a pointed cap and holding a scepter in his left hand emerges from the doorway behind him and points toward him with his right hand. A riotous crowd, full of grimacing and leering faces, stands on the steps and ground below. A column and a bundle of switches appear through the window behind the crowned figure. A small snarling dog appears in the foreground next to the steps where the artist's initials "M + S" are inscribed.
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