Farmers! Housewives! Children! – The President of the United States Appeals to You Personally – United States Department of Agriculture
Artist Unknown

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Text Excerpt: Farmers! Housewives! Children! - The President of the United States Appeals to You Personally - These extracts from the address of President Wilson should be read carefully by every one who produces or can produce food and by all who consume food: - MY FELLOW COUTRYMEN: The entrance of our own beloved country into the grim and terrible war for democracy and human rights which has shaken the world creates so many problems of natural life and action which call for immediate consideration and settlement that I hope you will permit me to address to you a few words of earnest counsel and appeal with regard to them. … (headers) Abundant Food Supplies Essential … Make Sure of Large Harvests … To Young Men and Boys … To the Farmers of the South … The Government to Cooperate … To the Middlemen .. To Every Household - The supreme test of the nation has come. We must all speak, act, and serve together! - Woodrow Wilson (signed) [Text Excerpted from the "Message to the American People" on April 15, 1917]
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