Qi Baishi

Isamu Noguchi and Qi Baishi: Beijing 1930
May 18, 2013 – September 1, 2013
Qi Baishi
China, 1864–1957
circa 1930
Hanging scroll, ink on paper
Gift of Katsuizumi Sotokichi, University of Michigan Museum of Art, 1949/1.194
I once painted Three Fish and inscribed it; painting is what I did in the time remaining after work; poetry in the time remaining after sleep; and calligraphy in the time remaining after carving. This is what I call the three remaining [the words for remaining and fish are homonyms in Chinese].
Subject Matter:
Physical Description:
The painting depicts three fishes below a calligraphic poem. The poem goes: "I once painted Three Fish and inscribed it: painting is what I did in the time remaining after work, poetry in the time remaining after sleep, and calligraphy in the time remaining after carving. This is what I call the three remaining." (in Chinese, "fish" and "remaining" are pronounced the same)
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