Flat-rimmed Bowl with painted abstract design

Subject Matter:
This flat-rimmed bowl is typical of Sultanabad style ceramics. The shape, for example, is a popular form of the category. Pseudo-inscriptions often appear around exterior rim walls, as seen here. The interior vegetative motif is comparable to other examples of Sultanabad ceramics of this type.
The overall shape, style and technique of this bowl may be attributed to Sultanabad Il-Khanid wares. The exterior vertical strokes may be a repetition of the Arabic Kufic letter alif. The bowls of this style and region have a distinct profile shape, as seen here.
Physical Description:
This dark green flat-rimmed bowl comes from the 13th century Iran and is decorated with abstract and painted designs. The interior features a floral design with buds, white the exterior has highly conventionalized inscribed bands and some floral elements.
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