For heaven’s sake: and it was her mother (Dios la perdonne: y era su madre)
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes

Plate 16
For heaven’s sake: and it was her mother.
(Dios la perdonne: y era su madre.)
Etching, aquatint, and drypoint
Gift of Kurt Delbanco in honor of Nicholas Delbanco, and partial purchase with funds from the W. Hawkins Ferry Fund, 2008/1.152.16
Commentary: The young woman left her home as a little girl. She did her apprenticeship at Cadiz, she came to Madrid: there she “won the lottery.” She goes down to the Prado, and hears a grimy, decrepit old woman begging her for alms; she sends her away, but the old woman persists. The fashionable young woman turns around and finds—who would have thought it—that the poor old woman is her mother.
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