Grenade Attack
Dmitri Baltermants

Subject Matter:
In this photograph, the viewer stands behind two Soviet soldiers who occupy a dirt mound, apparently somewhere on the front battle lines. The leftmost figure has just tossed a grenade, which can be seen exploding in the distance on the right-hand side of the photograph. This soldier’s body appears to dissolve into sky, an effect which mirrors the dissolving of the earth on the opposite side of the image. The arc of this soldier’s spine, in fact, traces the curve formed by the rocky debris propelled into the air by the exploding grenade. This image forms part of Baltermants’s larger project—as an official photographer to the Kremlin—which, spread across numerous portfolios, aimed to document scenes from the Soviet Union’s fight against Nazi Germany during World War II (1939-1945), known in the USSR as the Great Patriotic War.
Physical Description:
Back view of two soldiers on a dirt mound—one standing with arm outstretched, the other crouching down—with an explosion in the distance.
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