Kanghwa Bowl

Subject Matter:
undecorated celadon bowl. low foot and traces of sand supports. placed on the kiln floor during the firing.
Physical Description:
This celadon bowl is undecorated. The glaze is poorly fused and is generally opaque. The foot is low and displays traces of sand supports. The sand, stuck to the foot and the outer base, suggests that the bowl was placed on the kiln floor during ring. Glaze had run down to the outer wall of the foot and accumulated, in parts.
[Korean Collection, University of Michigan Museum of Art (2014) p.97]
shallow bowl, grey color, sanf grit on foot, made in Boryung kiln of ching chung nam-do, often found in tombs in Kangwa Island, 13th century, diameter 6+13/16 inches, height: 1+7/8 inches
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