Luigi Kasimir

Subject Matter:
Luigi Kasimir studied at the Vienna Academy of Art under Wilhelm Unger. Unger taught Kasimir how to create hand-colored etchings, however Kasimir was one of the first artists to create color etchings using separate plates for each color, as in this print. Kasimir was known for his vedute, landscapes of towns and popular destinations. Kronborg is a Renaissance castle in Denmark situated near the sound between Denmark and Sweden, at the juncture of the North and Baltic Seas which is seen in the background. Helsingor is the immortalized as Elsinor, in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Physical Description:
This etching shows a view of the interior court of Kronborg Castle, in the town of Helsingor, Denmark. The viewer looks out from an upper level viewpoint at the roofs and upper stories. The building is drawn with great detail, all the carvings in the stone are pronounced. In the small area of the street seen below is a group of figures. The sky above the buildings and sea is dark grey and cloudy, as is the water. In the far distance another hilly shoreline is visible.
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