Le Concert / Au Madame la Comtesse de Saint Brisson
Augustin de Saint-Aubin; Antoine-Jean Duclos; Chez Chéreau

Subject Matter:
This musical performance is set in the circular concert room of the Hôtel Soubise in Paris, the residence of the Prince de Rohan-Soubise.
Physical Description:
The circular room’s ceiling is painted with a sky motif populated by cupids; the room also features ornamental mouldings above four windows that depict musical instruments, and busts on pedestals are placed between the windows. A large number of well-dressed men and women sit while a group of musicians in the center of the room perform on a piano, flutes, cellos, a harp, and other stringed instruments. The print is framed by an ornamental border, and a stretch of tasseled fabric below the scene contains a title and a coat of arms.
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