Les Quartre Parties du Jour: La Nuit ou le Claire de Lune
Artist Unknown

Subject Matter:
This marine painting features a nocturnal scene with a shipyard in the distance to the viewer’s right and ships at sea, either approaching or leaving the port. In the foreground, people take part in various activities such as fishing, gathering water from a fountain, and cooking over a fire, highlighting the nightlife of a port town. Some of the figures’ poses cite classical art or well-known paintings such as the woman who rests on the ledge of the fountain and extends her hand in a pose derived from Rembrandt’s painting of Danaë (1636, oil on canvas, Hermitage State Art Museum). Billowing clouds reveal a bright moon that reflects onto the surface of the water and gives way to mountains in the far distance. The kindling fire creates a warm light that contrasts to the cool cast of the moonlit sky. The 19th century dress and classicizing architectural features such as the water fountain and gazebo lookout (middleground) are attributes of neo-classicism.
Physical Description:
A nocturnal scene with ships, a dockyard, and a mountain range in the background. People are gathered in the foreground partaking in various activities, illuminated in part by the moon and its reflection on the sea, as well as by a fire.
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