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Artwork Details

circa 1940
wood, egg, and shell
14 11/16 x 8 x 6 11/16 in. (37.31 x 20.96 x 16.99 cm); ;
Gift of Lydia Johnstone


Subject Matter:

Ekpo, the Ibibio word for 'ancestor', was also the name of the most important men's society, called Ekpo Nyoho. Usually shortened to just Ekpo, the society had governmental, judicial, and economic functions. Masks used for festivals and masquerades for Ekpo were either dark colored masks called idiok, or light colored masks called mfon. Such masks were thought to evoke both benign and malevolent ancestors, which were responsible for protecting their descendants. 

References Cited: 
Cole, Herbert M. 2012. Invention and Tradition: The Art of Southeastern Nigeria. Munich: Prestel. 

Physical Description:

Large, ovoid mask with a dark patina. The forehead of the face is raised, sloping down to a short, broad nose. The eyes are formed by two cresent shapes separated by a rectangle. On each cheek are three raised marks in a vertical line. The mouth is closed and may be moveable. 

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