Maternity Figure

Subject Matter:
Yombe sculptural objects depicting a mother and a child are known as Phemba. Phemba often take two forms: women holding, cradling, or carrying a child and women nursing a child. This object falls into the former category. According to oral history, the Yombe are descended from Mbangala who had 9 daughters, each the founder of a separate clan. Thus, Yombe depictions of females with children represent more than fecundity and their role as nurturer and care-taker; they also pay homage to the Yombe's matrilineal pattern of descent.
References Cited:
Felix, Marc Leo. 100 Peoples of Zaire and Their Sculpture: The Handbook. Brussels: Zaire Basin Art History Research Foundation, 1987.
Physical Description:
Carved wooden object depicting a female figure with flexed knees carrying a child on her back.
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