Monumental vase
Pewabic Pottery

Subject Matter:
Pewabic Pottery was founded in Detroit Michigan by Mary Chase Stratton, an artist of the Arts and Crafts movement. She was encouraged by art collector, Charles Lang Freer, to experiment with iridescent glazing effects. Using a special reduction kiln developed by her partner, Horace J. Caulkins, she referred to her experimentation with iridescent glazes as "painting with fire". She described the glaze on this vase as " "21. Blue grey smooth surace with iridescent glow and high lights. Full glaze over prefired semi matt glaze with cobalt ox."
Physical Description:
This is a 44.5 cm high ceramic vase. The body has an oval shape with a small rounded band as its base. The shoulder area has a rounded edge and a small flat band at the bottom of the neck. There is a short neck with a rounded, overhanging lip at the top. The vase is covered with an iridescent glaze over a semi-matt glaze that creates an appearance of irregular patches of color. It has a lilac, or lavender blue appearance. The rings of the thrown clay can be seen beneath the glaze.
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