Onoe Eizaburô as Lady Onoe; robe decorated with Genji crests (left leaf of a triptych)
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Subject Matter:
Onoe Kikugorō IV, also known as Onoe Eizaburō III, was active from 1831 until 1860, just prior to his death. He was a member of the Onoe line of kabuki actors. The Onoe line is one of the oldest lines of actors, with more than 250 years of history.
Physical Description:
In this print, a woman wields a folded fan above her head. She wears an elaborate robe in blue, red, and orange and white stockings. The sliding screens in the background are painted with trees and flowers against a blue background.
Inscriptions: Artist’s signature: Kuniyoshi ga; Publisher’s seal: Hon, Edo, Sen’ichi; Censor’s seal: Kiwame; Onoe, Onoe Eizaburō
This is the left panel of a triptych (with 2013/1.511.2 and 2013/1.511.3).
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