Hans Erni

Subject Matter:
Orpheus is a figure from Greek mythology, known for his exquisite musical talents and shown here cradling a stringed instrument. This print comes from a book of prints by Hans Erni, including images of Bacchus. Hans Erni worked in a variety of mediums throughout his career; his art included paintings, sculptures, lithographs, engravings, etchings, ceramics, and he even designed stamps for Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the United Nations. Early in his career, Erni was inspired by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.
Physical Description:
This print shows a standing male nude outlined in black, and colored in pink and tan on a white background. His right leg is bent at the knee and is raised behind him, his foot pointing backwards. He has dark curly hair, and he cradles an instrument against his chest.
Usage Rights:
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