Paul Cezanne Sketchbook: Owned by the Art Institute of Chicago
Paul Cézanne; Curt Valentin; Meriden Gravure Company; The Marchbanks Press

Subject Matter:
This work is a reproduction of sketchbook of Paul Cezanne's. The sketches in this book span a time period of about 1870-1886. The drawings include a variety of subjects including figure drawings, portraits of his family members, landscapes and still lifes. Various sketches have been identified as the studies for specific paintings. Some of the drawings have also been attributed to Cezanne's son. There are also various notes scribbled throughout the book including drafts of a letter and lists of expendatures. The original sketchbook is owned by the Art Institute of Chicago.
Physical Description:
This object is a facsimile reproduction of a sketchbook of drawings by Paul Cezanne which was published by Curt Valentin. Sketches range in topics, from figures to landscapes, and various objects. There are also various notes scribbled throughout.
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