Playing the Flute, Attracting a Phoenix (Pair with 1989/2.157)

Subject Matter:
Two child figures are riding a hoofed animal. This animal is known as Qilin, a mythical hoofed animal with dragon-like features, also sometimes known as a Chinese unicorn. The Qilin is supposedly a gatekeeper that guarded a fairy's cave in the mountains. This animal is known as a symbol to provide prosperity or serenity, and when it has babies on the back, such as this image, it is bringing extraordinary children from heaven to parents. The child on the left is playing the flute, and the figure on the right is thinking of a pheonix, which is known to be the "king of birds" and represents benevolence, righteousness, propriety, knowledge, and sincerity.
Physical Description:
Two figures are seen riding a hoofed animal and they are facing left. The left figure is playing the flute and a thought bubble appears above the head of the right figure, with an image of a pheonix.
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