Prince and Princess of Schönburg-Waldenburg
André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri

Subject Matter:
Disdéri patented the carte-de-visite in 1854. His invention quickly replaced the traditional calling card and remained popular until the late 1860s. The carte-de-visite was produced with a camera that took eight exposures on a single glass negative, allowing for a range of images and quicker production. The exposures were then cut into single photographs and mounted on cards. In this example, the uncut card illustrates the subtle variation of props and poses, including a small statue, a foot stool, a globe, and a book.
Physical Description:
This is an uncut sheet of cartes-de-visites. Eight frames with varying poses and props show the Prince and Princess of Schönburg-Waldenburg with their young son.
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