Scenes from the Life of the Buddha: Adoration of the Buddha Dimpakara, Conception, Prophecy, Birth (architectural fragment)
Artist Unknown, Gandhara (Ancient Pakistan and Afghanistan)

Subject Matter:
A fragment of of the base of a small stupa, with relief depictions of a fence above and narrative scenes from the life of the Buddha below. From right to left, in the order they would be encountered by a devotee circumambulating the stupa, these are:
1) Siddhartha prostrates before the Buddha Dipamkara in a previous life.
2) Maya's dream: the conception of Sidhartha, when his mother dreams that an elephant enters her side
3) The prophecy of the sage Ajita to King Suddhodana and his Quene Maya, that their son will become a cakravartin (= universal ruler)
4) Siddhartha's birth, emerging from Maya's side as she grasps a tree in Lumbini Grove
Physical Description:
A curved stone, originally a facing on the drum of a small stupa, carved with a narrative scene.
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