Square low vase
Markham Art Pottery

March 28, 2009
Ann Arbor-based Markham Pottery began when Herman C. Markham, a traveling salesman and a devoted grower of roses, found that he could not get an adequate supply of vases that kept the water cool enough to keep the blooms of his flowers fresh. In the mid-1880s, he began working with the clay in his yard to create utilitarian vases whose understated beauty enhanced, rather than competed with, his roses. By 1905, Markham was joined in this enterprise by his son Kenneth. The pottery that the Markhams developed consisted of a low-fired ceramic body based on classical forms decorated with a distinctive webbing of low relief clay that is part of the mold. Usually fired with matte glazes in earthen colors and stains, the delicacy of Markham ware made their products quite popular.
In 1913, the Markhams moved their pottery to National City, California, near San Diego. There they could take advantage of workspace provided for them at the plant of the California China Products Company. The numbers of works produced by Markham Pottery was not as great as some potteries; the company ceased production in 1921.
Subject Matter:
Ann Arbor-based Markham Pottery began when Herman C. Markham, a traveling salesman and a devoted grower of roses, found that he could not get an adequate supply of vases that kept the water cool enough to keep the blooms of his roses fresh. In the mid-1880s, he began working with the clay in his yard to create utilitarian vases whose understated beauty enhanced, rather than competed, with his roses. By 1905, Markham was joined in the enterprise by his son Kenneth. The pottery that the Markhams developed consisted of a low-fired ceramic body based on classical forms decorated with a distinctive webbing of low relief clay that is part of the mold. Usually fired with matte glazes in earthen colors and stains, the delicacy of Markham ware made their products quite popular.
In 1913, the Markhams moved their pottery to National City, California, near San Diego. There they could take advantage of workspace provided for them at the plant of the California China Products Company. The numbers of works produced by Markham Pottery was not as great as some potteries; the company ceased production in 1921.
Physical Description:
This small square vase has a body with a raised pattern and a matte glaze of orange and brown colors.
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