TOP: Fishermen with the Inhauler of the Nets at the Town’s Shore (Fischer beim Einholen der Netze am Ufer vor der Stadt), sheet 4 from the folio 12 Views of Normandy (XII Vues de la Normandie) BOTTOM: River Landscape with Four Men Encamping on a Rock (Flußlandschaft mit vier auf einem Fels lagernden Männern), sheet 5 from the folio 12 Views of Normandy (XII Vues de la Normandie)
Franz Edmund Weirotter

Franz Edmund Weirotter
Austria, 1733–1771
Fishermen with the Inhauler of the Nets at the Town’s Shore (Fischer beim Einholen der Netze am Ufer vor der Stadt)
River Landscape with Four Men Encamping on a Rock (Flußlandschaft mit vier auf einem Fels lagernden Männern)
From the folio 12 Views of Normandy (XII Vues de la Normandie)
Gift of the Ernst Pulgram and Frances McSparran Collection, 2007/2.113
Subject Matter:
TOP IMAGE. Fishermen haul nets in boats on left, while other figures appear along a path on right. Huts and thatched houses are visible to the right and along the riverbank into the foreground. Several windmills are also visible in the background.
BOTTOM IMAGE. A riverscape with boulders and trees. A small group of figures sit or stand on boulders, with tallest figure pointing to the right. Hills are visible in the distance.
Physical Description:
5 physical tears on left edge, indicating the original book bindings.
TOP IMAGE. A river appears in lower right corner, traveling from "front" to "back" of image. Along its banks two distant windmills occur, indicating Holland as the location. A distant boat with sails, and a closer group of three row boats on river. The closer group has thee figures bent over their work, which looks like hauling nets. In the center is a nearly barren twisted tree, at whose base is a rough hut of blanks and branches. A path from the bottom right bends up and around the hut and tree, on which a small group of three are poised (two sitting figures appear to listen to a standing third) and a single man travels further into the distance. Houses with thatched roofs, some patched with boards, appear on the right of the image, along the riverbanks into the distance.
BOTTOM IMAGE. A river curves gently back from the bottom right. Boulders surround the bank on the left half of the image, with scraggly trees and vegetation. Several boulders stretch out into the water, and on one of these, on the bottom right, is a group of perhaps three viewers. Two are seated, and appear to be listening to a third, who is standing and pointing to the right. Hills can be seen in the bottom right corner, stretching into the distance along the river.
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