André Kertész

Subject Matter:
This photograph depicts a soldier seated on the sidewalk next to a covered wagon that appears ready to burst under the weight of an assortment of wooden objects. On the cobblestone sidewalk alongside the man are trunks, packs, and other forms of luggage, as well as two puppies that contemplate each other amidst the cluttered scene and attract the attention of the soldier. Given that Brăila was known for more efficient modes of transportation, namely one of the oldest electrical tram lines in Romania, the chaos of this travel scene is striking. The photograph was included in a portfolio of 15 prints entitled "A Hungarian Memory," which was published by Hyperion Press in 1980.
Physical Description:
Photograph of a man sitting on the sidewalk next to a covered wagon, surrounded by trunks, satchels, and other objects. The man looks at two puppies in the left foreground of the image.
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