Burk Uzzle
Subject Matter:
This photograph depicts a scene in a rural landscape. The scene is largely anonymous and uneventful; a copse of dark trees stand by an empty road that runs up the left of the frame. However, protruding vertically up from the bottom right of the image, a large sign shaped and painted like a corn-on-the-cob stands boldly against the mundane scenery. Presumably an advertisement for a farm, the accompanying information has been cropped out of the image, leaving only the shape of the corncob, standing alone, erect and unexplained. The effect is purposefully awkward; the flatness of the sign contrasts with the depth of the rural space behind it. This humorous view hints at a perspective both mocking and appreciative, and elevates the mundanity of the handmade sign to a monumental level.
Physical Description:
This photograph depicts a rural landscape with a handmade sign painted and shaped like a corncob standing in the right portion of the frame.
Usage Rights:
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