Untitled, from “The New York Collection for Stockholm: 30 Artists”
Alex Hay

Subject Matter:
This print is part of a portfolio made in collaboration with Experiments in Art and Technology (EAT) and Moderna Museet as a fundraising effort. Alex Hay was known variously for his performance and conceptual art pieces, which included dances made in conjunction with Robert Rauschenberg. This work recreates a wholly familiar object, a gridded draft of a project filled with measurements, but for what purpose is not made clear. Hay additionally does not take a pre-exisiting piece of graph paper, but draws it himself. Hay recreates a mass produced object, which is in turn mass produced. There is seemingly some commentary about the fleeting presence of hand made objects.
EC 2017
Physical Description:
A print entirely in yellow, with hand drawn grid lines. On the grid lines, various measurements and marks have been made.
EC 2017
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