Vallée de Naplouse (Sichem) – The valley of Naplouse (Neapolis) (Sichem)
Felix Bonfils

Subject Matter:
In this photograph, the city of Nablus nestles into the valley between two prominent hills. The dark shapes of the hills on either side of the image stand almost like sentries guarding the city. The view of Nablus is interrupted by a line of trees that follows the diagonal incline of the terrain in the foreground. This picture follows the format of numerous general views of cities and towns throughout the album, which are usually shown at some distance. Also, though a densely populated area, veritably no signs of human life are visible in the photograph. This image is one of hundreds of photographs made throughout Bonfils' career which purport to document various landscapes, cityscapes, and people of the eastern Mediterranean.
Physical Description:
This photograph shows a city tucked in between two hills beneath a clear sky. The foreground comprises a rocky ledge with a dirt path lined by trees and shrubs.
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