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The UMMA Collection

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All/On Display:
Artwork Type:
circa 1830-1859
Kishi Renzan
ink and color on paper
Ikeda Unshō
handscroll, ink on paper
late-19th century to early-20th century
Takashima Hokkai
ink and color on paper
late 18th century - early 19th century
Aoki Mokubei
hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
Kawase Hasui
color woodblock print on paper
Katsushika Hokusai
koban surimono (privately published) color woodblock print (nishiki e) on paper
late 18th century - early 19th century
Yamaoka Geppō
hanging scroll, ink and color on silk
Fujimoto Tetsuseki (Tesseki)
hanging scroll, ink on satin
circa 1760-1802
Aoki Shukuya
ink on paper
circa 1844-1894
Mori Kansai
hanging scroll, ink on paper
Spring 1852
Kinoshita Itsuun
hanging scroll, ink on paper
Wassily Kandinsky; R. Piper & Co.; Poeschel & Trepte
woodcut on paper
2nd half of 18th century
Totoki Baigai
hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
1st half of the 19th century
Nakabayashi Chikutō
hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk
Kushiro Unsen (Unzen)
hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk