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The UMMA Collection

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Artwork Type:
circa 1910
Southwestern Songye (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
bird claws, feathers and wings, metal, gourd, snakeskin, split cane, dried seeds, and wood
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circa 1850
Vili (Kongo)
wood, mirrors, resin, tukula powder and medicinal substances
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circa 1860
Vili (Kongo)
wood and antelope horn
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20th century
Yaka; Suku
wood, raffia, feathers, cloth, and twigs
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2nd half of 19th century
wood, mirror, glass, hide, fiber, feathers, resin, pigment, cloth, raffia and bone
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20th century
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circa 1880
wood, china beads, and string
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circa 1930
gourd with vegetable, animal, and mineral materials, cigarette butts, white kaolin, earth, wood, and natural fibers
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