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The UMMA Collection

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All/On Display:
Artwork Type:
circa 1629-1630
Rembrandt van Rijn
etching on paper
15th century
hand-colored woodcut on paper
19th century
American; Artist Unknown
oil on textured canvas, mounted on board
circa 1610-1638
Schelte Adams Bolswert
engraving on medium weight, lightly textured beige laid papaer
pen, black ink and wash, heightened with white on grey paper
17th century
Laurent de La Hyre
black and white chalk on brown paper, laid down
Edouard Detaille
etching on paper
18th century
Christophe Huet
chalk on paper
mid 18th century
graphite, pen and bistre ink with gray wash
circa 1470-1536
Daniel Hopfer
etching on paper