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The UMMA Collection

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Dame Barbara Hepworth
paint on swedish marble with wood base
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Adolph Gottlieb
oil on board
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Max Ernst
oil on canvas
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Doug Hesseltine
acrylic on canvas
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circa 1955
Josef Albers
pen and ink on half inch grid graph paper ruled in blue
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Jacob Lawrence
tempera over black colored pencil on wood board
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Frank Stella
lithograph, linocut, silkscreen, handcoloring and collage on paper
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Louise Nevelson
painted wood and black formica
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Roy Lichtenstein
lithograph on paper
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Dana Melamed
transparency film, cinefoil, paper, pencil shavings, recycled components, acrylic paint, ink, charcoal and wire on aluminum mesh
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Dana Melamed
transparency film, cinefoil, paper, pencil shavings, recycled components, acrylic paint, ink, charcoal and wire on aluminum mesh
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Milton Avery
oil on canvas
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Susan Crowell
white stoneware, industrial ceramic pigment
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John Francis Torreano
paint on wood
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David Shapiro
oil on canvas
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